An association of the executive directors of state Catholic Conferences and affiliate diocesan agencies
A state Catholic Conference is a church agency representing the dioceses and eparchies within a state in order to provide for the coordination of the public policy concerns of the Church. State Catholic Conferences communicate with state governments, other church agencies, non-Catholic churches, and secular agencies. Bishops, priests, religious, and lay persons are involved in the work of the conferences.
The association started in 1968 to facilitate and encourage the exchange of information among its members pertaining to the activities, programs, and organization of the conferences.
Affiliate members are directors of diocesan offices handling public policy in those states without a state Catholic Conference.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of all the bishops of the United States. The state Catholic Conferences are distinct from the USCCB, though often work in coordination with it.
Each state Catholic Conference and affiliate NASCCD member acts independently, at the direction of that state’s bishops. The work of a state Catholic Conference does not indicate approval or endorsement by the NASCCD, USCCB, or any other state Catholic Conference.